10 Greatest Wrestling Games Ever Made

9. Saturday Night Slam Masters - SNES/Arcade

Anlfs6n Developed by Capcom, Slam Masters has their finger prints all over it. It has the gorgeous audio and graphics that helped define their early 90's beat 'em ups and gameplay that is so Street Fightery. Yeah. Street Fighter. In a wrestling ring. That's awesome. Why on Earth have more people not looked to traditional beat 'em ups when putting together a wrestling game? Playing this game demonstrates in abundance how much sense it makes. The pace is frantic and repetitive grappling is a non-issue. Something that is relatively rare for wrestling games before it and for a considerable time after. Saturday Night Slam Masters never got the praise it deserves. It's fun as hell and warrants a decent place in gaming history, damnit. Also we just want to mention that the Japanese name for this game - Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion, which is like the creepiest/coolest name ever. Only drawback is a lack of single player depth. But trust us, you get three of your friends together, find an old arcade machine or multitap for your crumbling SNES and you'll be playing this for a long, long time. You can also find this game on the Genesis, where it has the unique draw of a deathmatch mode. No third or fourth player support though, which really puts the other two versions in a league of their own.
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David is a freelance writer. He likes some pop culture things. Thank you reading this.