10 Groundbreaking Video Games That Changed Everything

3. Super Mario 64

final fantasy VII sephiroth

There were so many disappointing attempts during the 90s to transition beloved 2D franchises in three-dimensions, most of which failed spectacularly – Bubsy 3D being perhaps the most infamous example. It was an experimental time in which everything seemed to be failing to make the jump to 3D, a truly awkward transitional phase in gaming history.

Released in 1996, Super Mario 64 managed to successfully integrate gratifying gameplay into a 3D environment, revolutionising 3D platforming. To date, the game completely holds up – besides a few camera issues – and is generally considered the best in the series, despite being released over two decades ago.

The game got everything right, preserving the personality of previous 2D instalments, and emphasising exploration within a non-linear 3D environment.

Super Mario 64 is considered an archetype of the genre, generally considered one of the most influential, ground-breaking games ever made.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.