10 Guilty Pleasure Video Games No One Admits They Love

9. Lego Games

Lego The Movie Video GameTT Fusion & TT GamesLego video games are an absolutely huge commercial enterprise right now: some of the more famous and acclaimed iterations include Lego adventure games based on Batman, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Indiana Jones, Marvel, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, and even the recent Lego Movie itself. Most of us have probably played them at one time or another, but these games are typically pawned off as games aimed largely at children, as indicated by their laughable lack of difficulty (most of them furnish the player with infinite lives) and short length. These charges are undeniable, but that doesn't mean these games are bad or not worth playing. The majority of the Lego titles have cleverly combined the mechanics of Lego building with some of pop-culture's most iconic worlds, and though the gameplay is simple, there's an undeniable joy in swinging from vines and traversing traps as Indy, or dicing up battle droids as Luke Skywalker. The games may be marketed primarily towards children, and they're the core market for sure, but as adults we shouldn't be embarrassed to enjoy them either, as they're usually intelligently-crafted and bursting with heart.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.