10 Guilty Pleasure Video Games No One Admits They Love

8. Pervy Games (Dead Or Alive Beach Volleyball, Bayonetta & Lollipop Chainsaw)

Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyballTeam NinjaNow we're onto something a little more...adult. These "pervy" games essentially wrap gameplay around one thing: man's insatiable need to sexualise and ogle as much as humanly possible in his scope of vision. To cater for this, Tecmo commissioned the absurd Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, a volleyball game that devoted at least as much development time to the physics of the female players' breasts as it did the mechanics of the sport itself. Then there's action-orientated games like Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw, which feature absurdly scantily-clad women kicking lots of a**, though undeniably focus on tight latex suits and threadbare cheerleader uniforms. There's an instinct to scoff at these games and insist that they're just embarrassing to be seen playing once you've actually ever spoken to a girl. Though nobody wants their mother walking in on them while one of Dead or Alive's bikini babes falls to the floor with her heaving breasts acting as a cushion, these games are legitimately fun to play on their own terms, and you know what? It has almost nothing to do with sex. Once you get past the silly gimmick, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball is a fun volleyball game on its own merits, while Bayonetta is an exciting, frenetic shooter, and Lollipop Chainsaw, though no classic, is camp and daft enough to have us coming back for more. If one admits they enjoy these games, they open themselves up to being judged by gamers and non-gamers alike as perverted, sad, or at least in sore need of some female attention, but they do in fact offer more than initially meets the eye.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.