10 Hard Video Game Decisions You Immediately Regretted

8. Making Loghain A Grey Warden - Dragon Age: Origins

The Walking Dead Lee Arm

Throughout Dragon Age: Origins, you constantly have to contend with General Loghain Mac Tir making your life more of a living hell than it is already by trying to murder you. Convinced that Ferelden doesn't need the Grey Wardens to defeat the Darkspawn horde, he leaves them all to die at the hands of the beasts at the beginning of the game, and then spends the rest of it trying to finish the job with you and Alistair.

So when you finally get him at the end of your sword, it's a shock, to say the least, when the idea is put forth of making Loghain into a Grey Warden.

I mean, why not, right? Given that becoming a Warden shaves down your lifespan to just 30 years after joining, and every second of those 30 years will be spent in deep dark caves fighting an endless horde of terrifying eldritch zombies, it basically is the same as killing him. Plus, with the Wardens being the only ones able to kill the Archdemon at the head of the Darkspawn horde, it only makes sense to have more than like three Wardens to throw at it.

However, the problem there is that you're stuck with just three either way. Recruiting Loghain makes your best buddy Alistair quit the party and flee the country in sheer disgust at your actions, costing you a valuable party member in the process.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?