10 Hardest Bosses In Final Fantasy History

1. Absolute Virtue - Final Fantasy XI

final fantasy xvi
Square Enix

Nothing makes a boss difficult quite like forcing the player to wail on them for 18 HOURS STRAIGHT.

Final Fantasy XI's Absolute Virtue is one of the most infamous bosses in MMO history, with a trail of broken dreams and puking players in its wake. Not only does this boss take 18 gruelling hours to defeat - but in one of the pettiest moves in gaming history, whenever an exploit was found that made the boss just a tiny bit easier, the dev team would remove it. In the game's heyday, this happened fast too, so you could never trust any guides or tips other players had for beating him. 

Every strategy players would formulate lasted exactly long enough to be proven effective before it was removed due to it not being the "correct" way to defeat the boss, according to the devs. What was the correct way, you ask? Well, the dev team did tell people what their "preferred" method was to beating it. but when players began implementing it, they nerfed that too! And if you found any exploits to try and cheese your way to victory? You got banned.

Absolute Virtue is the hardest boss in Final Fantasy history, because it was created by a dev team with the worst kind of Angry DM syndrome. This makes the fact that player power creep eventually made the boss into a joke anyway all the funnier. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?