10 Hardest Bosses In Final Fantasy History

3. Yiazmat - Final Fantasy XII

final fantasy xvi
Square Enix

Heading into the top 3 with what many lists of this nature typically put at the very top: Yiazmat.

The reason this creature is so widely considered to be the hardest boss in the franchise makes itself apparent the moment you enter the fight. You look at Yiazmat's health bar, research what number that translates into, and then clear your schedule for the entire day because you ain't goin nowhere for a while. 

Yiazmat is packing a whopping 50 million HP, higher than any other boss on this list. And its damage output isn't too far behind that. This is a boss that demands a lot from the player, but none more than their time and patience. 

Debuffs are your only hope in this fight, specifically wither, shear, addle, and expose. After that, assuming you have your party as close to max level as you can, it's just a matter of dealing as much damage as possible, replenishing the debuffs, and keeping your party alive.

But even then, don't expect to be going anywhere for at least half an hour. This neon-robot-dragon-thing does not go down quickly. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?