10 Hardest DUAL Boss Fights In Gaming History
9. Mr. And Ms. Y - Streets Of Rage 4

After Axel, Blaze, and a kid on a skateboard defeated the nefarious Mr. X, Wood Oak City was finally at peace. But in Streets of Rage 4, Axel discovers X’s children, Mr. and Ms. Y, have inherited their father’s fortune, allowing them to forge their own criminal empire.
In the final stages, your party will face Mr. Y, who’s armed with a machine gun, a bazooka, and an endless supply of explosives. Once you defeat him, you’ll move onto the last level, where Ms. Y challenges you. Although she’s extremely fast and her rapier attacks are devastating, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with her.
Sadly, this pair aren't done with you just yet. After Ms. Y is beaten, you'll face the twins again simultaneously. Even though it’s tough, you should feel confident in your abilities, knowing you have bested these two already.
Just when it looks like you have this brawl in the bag, one of the twins suddenly hops into a giant mecha-spider!! Because of the robot’s massive size and sweeping attacks, you’ll want to eliminate this machine ASAP. But if you kill the twin piloting the mecha, their sibling take over, forcing you to continue battling this robotic monstrosity.