10 Hardest FromSoftware Franchise Bosses Of All Time

8. Manus, Father Of The Abyss

dark souls darkeater midir

The Dark Souls series has often saved some of its best moments for the DLC's- this was born from the fantastic Artorias of the Abyss DLC from Dark Souls 1. A brilliant addition to the beloved game that culminates in a showdown with the monstrous Manus.

The apparent representation of man as the ultimate evil, Manus is a mountainous task waiting for exhausted players in the dark center of the abyss. The frustrating boss run as you're swarmed by humanities only adds to the feat as Manus will send you all the way back to that bonfire time after time.

Manus has insane reach which he uses to punish players from anywhere in the arena. His giant hand whips from the dark at will and deals vicious damage to seemingly safe and unsuspecting players. Manus is infinitely capable of one-shotting even the most hardened of players, most notably with his thumping combo which will dwindle your health to nothing before you even realize it has happened.

The NPC summon for this boss fight deserves a mention as it's a fantastic callback to the base game, but even with that extra paw to help Manus is a mammoth task to take down.


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