10 Hardest FromSoftware Franchise Bosses Of All Time

7. The Nameless King

dark souls darkeater midir

The Nameless King was once considered Dark Souls toughest foe, this reputation has flagged somewhat over the years but there is a reason he was considered by so many to be such.

In the opening King of the Storms phase both the King and his Dragon deal huge damage when they manage to catch the player flush with lightning or fire and it's a battle of patience as the Dragon often hovers above to keep out of reach of the player. His aerial fire breath in particular has a penchant for tearing through even the most robust health bar.

Even when you finally manage to best the beast, it only opens up the tougher phase of this fight as the King absorbs his precious pets powers and takes you on mano y mano.

In his second phase, the Nameless King is incredibly aggressive and deals even higher damage than before. He can cover the length of the sprawling arena in a split second and leaves little opportunities to recover when he gets you on the back foot.

The Nameless King is no longer From Soft's magnum opus of difficulty, but he's a force to be reckoned with to this day.


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