10 Hardest Video Game Achievements Of 2020 (So Far)

2. Black Mesa – Rarest Specimen

Exit the gungeon

Our last two entries go hand in hand. Somehow, after a ten year long development process, Black Mesa, a re-imagining of the original Half-Life, released in the same month as Alyx. Black Mesa had been in early access for years and years but finally, with the completion of the Xen sections, released on Steam in the middle of March.

With its completion came not only more achievements, but a progression on a previous achievement, Rare Specimen.

This required players to take a purple top hat from the very beginning of the game to the end. However, with the final content update came a new finale: Killing the Nihilanth on the Borderworld.

So, not only do you now have to take the top hat from the beginning of the game to the Xen portal. You now have to take it from the Xen portal to the Nihilanth, killing it and not losing the hat in the middle of space. This one’s a slog and takes patience, as well as a great short term memory of where exactly you left the damn thing.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.