10 Hardest Video Game Bosses That Require INCREDIBLE Skill

9. Ornstein & Smough - Dark Souls

Dark souls ornstein and smough

Everyone who's played FromSoftware's first entry in the revamped trilogy has an "Ornstein & Smough story".

Coming primarily from the fact you're trying to learn two boss' movesets at once, Ornstein is the nippier of the two, darting off screen and flanking you from the side and behind, while Smough charges up hammer attacks or shoulder barges in front.

Together they're an immediate nightmare, and even getting back to the fight itself requires navigating half of the Anor Londo map, only to inevitably die as you try to get your head in the fight again.

Finally getting good enough to beat what feels like the whole fight only means the pair merge, leaving the remaining character as an all-powerful hybrid who does even more damage, and has even greater reach.

Torturous doesn't even begin to cover it, but we're just getting started in terms of gaming's most ferocious foes.

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