10 Hardest Video Game Bosses That Require INCREDIBLE Skill

8. Mike Tyson - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

mike tyson's punch out

Like fighting some children's memory game that kills you for getting one thing wrong after 10 correct answers, clearly Iron Mike wanted the game bearing his name to feature a rock hard encounter.

As such, Mike Tyson is the final bout of Punch-Out!! on the NES, but beating him means nailing every single punch, and more importantly, every single dodge.

Even back in this edition of the game, your options for movement were pretty expansive, comprising dodges that could be cancelled out of, a once-per-round health boost and if timed well, an effective uppercut. When up against an enemy that moved faster than anyone else though, it essentially boiled the fight down to rock, paper, scissors on fast-forward. Mike's windup animations and movements would come and go in seconds, throwing you off as to when he was actually going to strike, or just laying you out because you missed one specific tell.

Learn the whole thing or give up. Those were your only choices.

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