10 Hardest Video Game Bosses That Require INCREDIBLE Skill

3. Nameless King - Dark Souls III

Dark souls 3 nameless king

As technology has advanced and the idea of challenge could take on greater visual spectacle, we've seen scale become a factor in the boss fight itself.

Now you're not just fighting a character or a random enemy, but sometimes the entire setup for the bout is awash in a ferocious storm, with bolts of lightning and harsh winds affecting your ability to even go toe-to-toe in the first place.

Enter the Nameless King, and for my money, the best-looking Dark Souls boss, who matches his stature and visual memorability with a set of attacks that barely give you a chance to appreciate it.

Speaking of not getting a chance, FromSoftware's camera strikes again. Because Nameless King rides a massive dragon whose sheer size makes the lock-on disappear into the floor trying to track its head or mid-section, good luck dissecting even when to block or riposte.

Dragon fire attacks that sweep the stage, the King's own spear knocking you back if you get too close - this thing is a nightmare in the purest form, but with such a damn awesome aesthetic, far too many players couldn't say no.

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