10 Hardest Video Game Bosses That Require INCREDIBLE Skill

4. Bernard - Furi

furi game
The Game Bakers

It's not that Furi's Bernard is massively overpowered or particularly unfair - it's that Furi's combat system is possibly the fastest this side of Sekiro, and cranking up the dials results in a bout where main-man Rider is fleeting about the screen in a blur of neon colours, bullets, blades, energy blasts and everything in between.

Bernard himself is a DLC boss, assumedly designed to test those who thought the main campaign was "too easy" (even though Furi is already one of the most demanding titles on the market).

His repertoire involves caking the screen in bullets and various pulsating rings of energy at the same time, meaning there's only a very specific space you could stand in to not take damage, but you have a fraction of a second to figure that out.

Like all bosses who fall into the "learn exactly this to progress" mould, finally besting Bernard with one perfect run where everything slips into place is a euphoric feeling like no other.

Or at least I assume it is, as this particular boss has forever gotten the better of me.

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