10 Hardest Video Game Bosses That Required Incredible Skill
Who's ready for some rage-quit PTSD?

Boss fights have been a quintessential part of video games from as far back as the arcade era, right up to current-gen releases.
Whilst they were first introduced in order to create an almost unfair challenge (in order to keep the punters tossing in more coins), they have since evolved to become a test of the skills you've picked up along the way.
That said, some boss fights still come across as cheap and unfair. Bullet sponges with ridiculous hit-boxes, overpowered attacks and disproportionate difficulty spikes - all manner of sentient roadblocks can still be found.
A good game, however, will include bosses that provide a challenge to the player, testing them on what they’ve learned.
Sometimes these encounters can push us to our absolute limits, stretching our abilities and forcing us to adapt through trial and error. The sense of pride and reward in besting these foes is a reward many chase, proven by the recent popularity of the “Soulsborne” games especially, which have pretty much spawned their own genre at this point.
Many controllers and keyboards have been lost to the following, but they were never unfair or unreasonable.
Turns out, all we had to do was “git gud.”
10. Terramorphous The Invincible - Borderlands 2

Terramorphous the Invincible is a raid boss that masochistic Vault Hunters can unlock after completing Borderlands 2’s main story.
This extremely powerful thresher is a Level 52, terrifying monster that will make mince-meat of anyone going up against him unprepared. To give you an idea of just how challenging this bastard is, the raid is titled “You. Will. Die. (Seriously.)”
If the title of this quest isn’t enough to scare you off, you absolutely need to bring a squad with you. Fighting Terramorphous solo is straight-up suicide. Keeping in mind that the original level cap for Borderlands 2 was 50, there was no way to go into this fight overpowered when the game originally launched.
If you want to take on Terramorphous at the scale he was intended for, go at Level 50, or on True Vault Hunter mode, bring some similarly levelled homies and prepare for a long, strenuous experience. Terramorphous has ten rotating attack phases, many of which include one-shot-kill moves, it can burrow underground and pop up anywhere on the map, deals elemental damage and can take one Hell of a beating before going down.
It’s all worth it for that sweet, sweet loot though, and Terramorphous has plenty to offer, provided you can survive.