10 Harmless-Looking Video Game Enemies That Completely Wrecked You

1. Bark Scorpion - Fallout: New Vegas

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Bethesda Softworks

Every Fallout player knows how hard a Deathclaw hits. Every New Vegas player knows that a swarm of Cazadores hit even harder. But there’s one (seemingly) innocuous New Vegas enemy which can kill you just as fast.

Bark scorpions are small, slow, and compared to the Fallout’s signature zoo o’ radioactive mutated monstrosities, so disarmingly normal that your first reaction is likely curiosity rather than terror. Heck, even the local Geckos are more intimidating.

Get cocky, however, and you’re asking for trouble. Unlike their more aggressive Radscoprion cousins Bark scorpions are wily and will flank players where possible, a tactic that combined with their small size and sand-colouration makes them surprisingly difficult to spot against the desert scrub of the Mojave.

And should one sneak up on you you’ll find that this littler stinger hurts, bad. Bark scorpions do poison damage second only to the dreaded Cazador. Worse, the poison stacks, and because they generally appear in groups of three or four, this unassuming pint-sized scorpion can take down even mid-level characters with frightening ease.

So keep those eyes peeled, ‘cause you never know what’s hiding in the long grass.

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