10 Harshest Ways Video Games Punish You For Rage Quitting

1. Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Restricts You To A Server Populated By Quitters

Mortal Kombat

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 doesn't have the flashiest way of punishing players - there are no brain explosions to be found here - but it does have one of the harshest and most insidious penalty systems around.

Because while it warns quitting players that they'll be punished for continually disconnecting from matches, it doesn't do anything as immediately impactful as enforcing a ban or stripping them of their progression.

Instead, the more players rage quit and disconnect from fights, the more the system records them as a bad opponents. If they continue in their behaviour undeterred, eventually they'll be marked for good, being lumped in servers with quitters just like them.

Doing the gaming equivalent of shipping them off to Alcatraz, in theory if you're a gentleman in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 you should be playing with likeminded people, while the quitters get to duke it out with each other in their own little bubble.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3