10 Harshest Ways Video Games Punish You For Rage Quitting

2. Overwatch Has An Unspoken Quitting Threshold

Mortal Kombat

One of the most popular multiplayer games of the decade so far, it would be an understatement to say that players take Overwatch matches seriously.

Especially on ranked, nobody wants half of their team to leave and doom them to a loss, and thankfully the developers at Blizzard thought of a way to seriously deter people from purposefully disconnecting.

Using their last 20 matches as a base, the game is constantly analysing a player's completion-to-quit ratio, and if it falls under an unspecified percentage in favour of the latter half of that equation, they'll be treated to 75% XP penalty for all future games.

With their ability to make any progress in multiplayer matches severely hindered, players need to get back above the threshold to reinstate their ability to reap all of the experience they've earned. If they continue quitting, they only make climbing out of the hole harder.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3