10 Hated Video Game Sequels You Should Play

8. Resident Evil 6

Mass effect 3 ending

Take this one with a caveat, as I'll happily admit I'm probably the biggest Resident Evil 6 simp on the Internet.

At the time of release, the response to this sequel was a wake up call for the whole series. A bloated, over-indulgent mess that attempted to fully sever the franchise from its survival horror roots, the critical kicking that Resident Evil 6 got at the time finally made Capcom change course and soft-reboot the whole thing with Resident Evil 7.

With space from its release though - and knowing that it wasn't the harbinger of doom for the whole series it could have been - Resi 6 can be enjoyed as a weird, ridiculously budgeted experiment, one whose excess makes it a spectacle from start to finish.

Across three campaigns (and a "secret" fourth), switch your brain off and enjoy Capcom throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks. Fortunately for players, while a lot of ideas bounce straight off, there's enough that do click to make playing through the game satisfying. The shooting is tighter than ever, the added focus on melee combat shakes the flow up nicely (even if it never stops being insane to suplex zombies), while each playable character is unique enough to hold their own individual storylines.

It's nuts, it doesn't always work, but good lord am I glad it exists.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3