10 Hated Video Game Sequels You Should Play

7. Devil May Cry 2

Mass effect 3 ending

Devil May Cry 2 is the only game on this list that's genuinely bad. An outright stinker, this ill-fated sequel is still worth playing, however, because it shows you exactly how not to produce a follow up.

Everything that made the original so beloved is absent here. The lush, gothic interconnected levels are swapped out for empty city streets and bland warehouses, the tough combat is replaced with boring button mashing, the humour is almost entirely absent, and there's only a handful of bosses (with some just being repeats of bosses from the first game, to add insult to injury).

All of those botched elements, though, make it fascinating to play. The runtime is incredibly short which means you won't just be punishing yourself for hours, and playing DMC 2 will make you appreciate every game before and after.

This sequel could have tanked the whole franchise, but instead the developers learned from its mistakes to create arguably the best spectacle fighter of all time with Devil May Cry 3.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3