10 Hauntingly Dark Secrets In RPGs

1. Cannibal! Fallout Edition - Fallout: New Vegas

fallout cook cook cannibal

Arguably the darkest of this century’s Fallout titles, Fallout: New Vegas has a whole host of horrors set for those who want to find them. And even those who don’t.

If you’ve got time in your post-apocalyptic journey to stop by Camp McCarran you’ll likely meet Major Dhatri who’s having some trouble with the local raiders gang called the Fiends. The Fiends are killing and traumatizing troopers from the camp and Dhatri, understandably, wants them dead.

You sign on to take out the three leaders; Violet, Driver Nephi, and Cook-Cook, who is one of the only five characters in the whole base game to have “Very Evil Karma”.

Don’t worry, you’re about to find out why.

You’re told straight up that Cook-Cook is an insane pyromaniac, rapist, child slave-trader, murderer, and cannibal.

Those who have had the worst run-ins with him are Corporal Betsy and Pretty Sarah.

Both have brutal stories about being taken hostage by the Fiend leader. A friend of Sarah’s tells you she was forced to watch him roast and eat her friends before being assaulted and set on fire. It’s incredibly nasty stuff, so the fact that you’re rewarded handsomely for removing this bastard’s head from the rest of his body makes this a side quest you’ll happily accept. Pretty Sarah will additionally reward you for your service to humanity which, yeah, seems about right.


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