10 HD Video Game Editions That Are Actually Worth Buying

8. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

What It Contains: Tomb Raider Last year's successful gritty reboot of Tomb Raider garnered so much praise from gamers and critics alike, that Square-Enix assumed that we would willingly buy it again on next-generation consoles. They were right. This selection may be considered a bit of a cheat, considering that the game was already in HD, but this Definitive Edition has gone through a severe graphical overhaul that can rival - and possibly even best - the PC version. Even the TressFX hair technology is featured, which basically allows every individual strand of Lara's hair to animate individually. The frame rate has also been upgraded to 60 frames per second, with the graphics being much more detailed and in line with next-generation expectations. You can also open up the world map with voice commands, which is pretty useless but fun to entertain nonetheless. At the core of it, this is the definitive edition of Tomb Raider, and whether you have already played the game last year or not, is an early must-buy for either next-generation console.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.