10 Hidden Gaming Gems That You Totally Missed Out On

2. Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

Before Starkiller would unleash the force in one pretty fun game and a godawful cash-in sequel, 2004 had it all sewn up when it came to telekinetic body-slamming. Both Midway's Psi-Ops and Free Radical's Second Sight came within a few months of each other, providing a literal battle of the minds as to which deserved your cash. Psi-Ops was the far more fun game in the end, putting you in the shoes of one Nick Scryer, a dishevelled 'PSI Operative' who has his memory wiped (as they always do), and must set about recovering his powers. However when that first power is telekinesis, and you're suitably thwacking armoured guards off walls and ceilings like Akira's Tetsuo, a very large smile that would never go away engrained itself through association to this title, providing a much smaller yet devout following that have championed it ever since. One of the biggest omissions that we should all be ashamed of is not embracing it more, as the object-sandboxes of the next generation would make the perfect playground to unleash all manner of physics-based mayhem. The game does go a little askew nearer the end with certain creatures that you can only see through the aid of 'Aura View', although the sections where you feel like some sort of pyromaniacal messiah who enters a room all Magneto-like, tossing groups of soldiers through computer screens and glass windows whilst simultaneously bursting other fleeing guards into flames, are still phenomenal. What are you waiting for?
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.