10 PS4 Hidden Gems You Must Play

2. Styx: Master Of Shadows

The stealth genre is a tough one to master - it must be incredibly difficult for developers to crack into the market where franchises like Splinter Cell and Hitman have the monopoly. Styx: Master Of Shadows is never a game that's going to threaten the big-hitters out there, but it's a nice little hidden gem. Available on the cheap, Styx is a charming adventure which follows the titular goblin as he attempts to steal the heart of the World Tree, protected by elves and humans. Your character isn't especially powerful outside of his stealth and arcane abilities, so sticking to the shadows is a must in order to complete the game. There's something decidedly old-school about Master of Shadows, and it's well worth checking out for stealth fans. Games like this once lived almost-exclusively on PC, but the budget status of Styx will have a few more eyes checking it out. With multiple paths to take in order to reach your objectives, replaying levels to try out new strategies keeps you coming back, something you might not initially associate with a budget title.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.