10 PS4 Hidden Gems You Must Play

1. Wolfenstein: The New Order

Wolfenstein, released for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC in 2009, was largely discarded by many as a run-of-the-mill first person shooter, and not quite the epic reboot of the classic series as it perhaps promised to be. That's almost a fair assessment, but also a little harsh - yes, Wolfenstein was never going to be a Call Of Duty beater, but there was a lot of fun to be had. Similarly, Wolfenstein: The New Order has received the same indifference, and it's not entirely justified. Generally positive reviews haven't translated into massive sales for Bethesda's World War II-inspired madness. That's a shame, because there's so much to like here. Not only is the story interesting, following the exploits of B.J. Blazkowicz trying to stop the Nazi regime - who in this timeline won the Second World War - from taking over the world, but the gameplay is very satisfying. Firstly, the combat is simply a lot of fun, mixing the age-old FPS art of blasting the hell out of anything that moves with some more subtle sections where you'll pick off enemies one-by-one. Wolfenstein doesn't reinvent the wheel, but there's a nice, organic nature to battles with enemies not feeling especially scripted, not doing the same things over and over just waiting to be ambushed. Whilst the Call Of Duty franchise - for single players at least - has become a little dull, Wolfenstein: The New Order is a far better choice for those who favour a good story. What other hidden gems are on PS4 that deserve a mention, and do you agree with the choices on this list? Let us know in the comments below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.