10 PS4 Hidden Gems You Must Play

8. Thief

This entry may seem controversial, because Thief did not release to stellar reviews. As most gamers know, reviews can be sketchy, and you shouldn't always believe everything you read on major websites such as IGN or Gamespot. Reviews are only opinions after all, and truth be told, the latest Thief came could never live up to what people were expecting. The hype was rather unbelievable, and led to reviews of the game being pretty unfair. Of course, it isn't anywhere near perfect, and some areas could have done with a little more attention, but reviews consistently missed out the aspects of the game which stand out, such as the multi-purpose water arrows, which offer an interesting take on removing lights from around you, enabling you to sneak through in darkness. They're also handy for dealing with fire-based enemies like the Fire Shadows, and even cleaning up blood spilled by your foes - all things that help shake up the core stealth formula. It helps keep Thief interesting, and differentiates it from other modern stealth titles such as The Last Of Us, where you have the more standard smoke bombs and array of gunfire at your disposal. Given the right approach Thief is an enjoyable experience, you just need to be into creeping around the shadows and taking your time. Rushing through games might be all the rage in many titles, but it just doesn't suit here. The AI may be spotty, but there's a great game to dive into if you're willing to overlook some rough edges.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.