10 PS4 Hidden Gems You Must Play

7. Sniper Elite III

Games based on sniping can be a little hit and miss, and it's fair to say that the Sniper Elite series has never been for everybody. There's a definite focus on patience with this one, which - you might be noticing - is a hallmark of many of the games on this list. Sniper Elite III is the first in the franchise available on PS4, and it doesn't disappoint. There's no real urgency to play the other games in the series before this one, as newcomers can simply enjoy the gameplay mechanics. Story has never really been a strongpoint here either, instead you'll get a kick out of picking off groups of enemies from afar and witnessing some extremely graphic kill animations. The Sniper Elite games are pretty uncompromising in how they'd like players to play the game, but that's far from a bad thing, because the sniping mechanics are strong enough to keep it fun. Besides, who doesn't love watching a bullet travel half a mile, before plunging into the eye-socket of the poor bloke who'd previously been none the wiser to your presence?
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.