10 PS4 Hidden Gems You Must Play

4. Metro Redux

It's actually pretty odd to be discussing Metro Redux as a hidden PS4 gem, given that the previous Metro games on last-gen consoles - Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light were both underrated classics in their own right. The latter is a vast improvement on the former in many areas, but both are worth checking out. It's a crime that the Metro series doesn't receive more praise. Last Light in particular is a really robust title with an excellent story, very scary in parts and atmospheric beyond belief - if you like games that weave a compelling tale, you owe it to yourself to give Metro Redux a shot. The differences between the first and second games aren't overwhelming, but after playing through 2033, Last Light will come across more like a standard shooter. Admittedly, 2033 can feel a little clunky in 2015, but that was sorted out for Last Light, and the game is better for it. In the first title, you'll rely on stealth a lot more than you may do in the second, almost like the developers are taking into account that the protagonist, Artyom has grown accustomed to the harsh realities of the Moscow Metro underground. There are few moments on the PS4 that can rival the fright you get once you hear Artyom start breathing more heavily, and with an incredibly unforgiving world around you there are few shooters anywhere near as atmospheric as this.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.