10 Hidden Gem Star Wars Games You Need To Play

1. Masters Of Teras Kasi

star wars bounty hunter

Let’s first take care of the Bantha in the room: Masters of Teras Kasi is not a good game. Painfully slow, clunky movement, poor graphics, a character named “Hoar”, the list goes on…

However, there is good left in it. It is not beyond redemption.

Take Luke, Vader, and the unlockable Mara Jade, ignite lightsabers, and NOW you have a game.

Much like Revenge of the Sith, the blocking mechanic in Teras Kasi, coupled with its inherently lumbering pace, actually make for some surprisingly tense lightsaber duels

Ignore Han Solo, forget Boba Fett, don’t even look at Jodo Kast, the Luke/Vader/Mara Triforce (different series, I know) is the beating heart of this game, and is what elevates it to the dizzying heights of abject mediocrity.

So there we go; not all Star Wars games will be as good as Knights of the Old Republic, but neither will they be met with such universal loathing as Kinect Star Wars. Inevitably, there will always be a sub-set of games which perhaps suffer a more undignified fate: merely being okay.

Hopefully this list has shone a light on some of these “best of the rest” titles as they, whilst admittedly flawed, are still very much worth the time of every Star Wars fan in the Galaxy.

Even Masters of Teras Kasi.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...