10 Hidden Gem Star Wars Games You Need To Play

4. Revenge Of The Sith

star wars bounty hunter

A game of two halves, indeed; Revenge of the Sith is one part Golden Axe (with lightsabers), and one part Soul Calibur (with lightsabers).

Following the plot of Episode 3 and alternating the gameplay between Anakin and Obi-Wan, the main story mode is a generic hack and slash adventure with Force powers and lightsaber combos, reminiscent of Two Towers and Return of the King (though not as good).

Thankfully, the console versions also include the local multiplayer Duel mode, and it is here the game really shines.

Choosing from a cast of Jedi and Sith, players face off in lightsaber combat unsurpassed to this day. While the attacks and combos are carried over from the main story, the blocks, parries, and counters in 'saber on 'saber combat elevate a potential button mashing sideshow into an immersive battle of skills, wits, and knowledge of the Force.

Timing your blocks to perfection, you will deftly catch your opponent's blade behind your back, knock it aside, and deliver your killing stroke.

Whilst the Force may not entirely be in balance in Revenge of the Sith, with a seemingly tacked-on additional mode completely outshining the main game, as a complete package it certainly has the high ground.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...