10 Hidden Levels In 2015’s Biggest Video Games

3. Hypogean Gaol - Bloodborne

True to From Software tradition, Bloodborne is packed with dark corners, hidden areas and secret bosses that you probably won't stumble upon through the entire game unless you specifically look for them. The area of Yahar'Gul Unseen Village is one that you actually come to later in the game as part of the main story, but under certain conditions you can find yourself locked up in ts Hypogean Gaol, which you have to break free from and face the the formidable boss hidden boss, Darkbeast Paarl. This part of the game is completely optional, and only accessible by completing the following steps: First, you must beat the Blood-starved Beast in Old Yarnham When you return to Cathedral Ward, the area will be populated with new, sack-wielding enemies called Snatchers. There's one next to Odeon's Chapel, and one in the town square after the alleys going from the Healing Church Workshop. Let the Snatcher defeat you, and it'll initiate a cut-scene where you're inside a sack, before you come to in a prison cell in the Unseen Village. Now, it's up to you to fight your way back to Central Yarnham. Enjoy!

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.