10 Hidden Video Game Companions You Didn’t Realize Can Be Recruited

1. Ciar - Pathfinder Wrath Of The Faithful

Baldurs gate 3
Owlcat Games

The 2021 RPG Pathfinder: The Wrath of the Righteous is a brilliant title with an extensive character creator, plenty of memorable characters, and a myriad of choices for you to make along your journey.

Because the game is so expansive, it can be pretty hard to keep track of everything, and this includes learning how to recruit all of its 23 unique companions, scattered across multiple playthroughs, paths, and origins.

The most elusive of these companions is perhaps Ciar, a human cavalier who can be resurrected as an undead servant if you play as a Lich character.

Ciar, unlike the other undead companions that tend to be recruited as you progress through the story, can only be brought back to serve you if you manage to trigger a very specific outcome in the third act of the game.

More specifically, you have to provoke the cavalier to attack your ziggurat and repel the attack. Once you deal with the attack and all your foes lie dead, you can find Ciar's corpse among the casualties and get him to join your army of undead servants.

First, you coerce him, then you slay him in combat. Now that’s some real friendship material right there!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.