10 Hidden Video Game Sequel Clues You Totally Missed

2. A Plague Tale: Innocence Set Up The Sequel Before It Was Even Released

A Plague Tale Innocence
Focus Home Interactive

A Plague Tale: Innocence was one of the year's most pleasantly surprising games that also seemed to come totally out of nowhere.

And while the modest, stealth-horror game could've so easily been a mere one-off, it seems that developer Focus Home Interactive hid a telling sequel hint right before our very eyes.

The very final shot of the game's post-credits sequence shows Amicia, her younger brother Hugo, and their ill mother Beatrice taking a wagon to the harbour, presumably to board the boat waiting there.

Yet in a strange move, publisher Focus Home Interactive appeared to quietly confirm the sequel an entire month before the game was actually released.

The publisher tweeted an image revealing their partnerships for upcoming video game releases, including the below poster indicating their continued work with Asobo Studio, the team who created A Plague Tale: Innocence.

The poster shows both a boat and what is clearly Hugo's distinctive red scarf visible in the water, making it a bizarrely pre-emptive nod towards both the first game's ending and the sequel's current development.

Still not convinced? Numerous credible outlets recently circulated word that A Plague Tale: Innocence 2 is indeed in development. It's happening, and apparently has been for quite some time.

A Plague Tale Innocence
Focus Home Interactive

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.