10 Highest-Rated Video Games Of The Decade - Ranked Worst To Best

2. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

zelda breath of the wild

Metacritic: 97

If you're surprised to see Breath Of The Wild only finishing second, you might be interested to know that Metacritic had it down in fourth, beneath GTA V, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and the eventual champion.

Finishing as the fourth best game of the decade and Metacritic’s 13th best of all time is nothing to be sniffed at, but given the outpouring of celebration declaring Breath Of The Wild the best game ever, it’s a bit unexpected.

The game offered a fresh take on the open world, plopping you down with minimal hand holding and letting you explore wherever you want. Rather than put story centric roadblocks in place, you’re given the freedom of the entire map right from the off.

If you want to spend ages completing different shrines to get your health up, you can. If you’d rather climb towers and see more of the map, that’s okay too. If you want to run right to the final boss armed with just a stick and a pot lid, knock yourself out.

This free flowing approach isn’t for everyone, with some feeling lost and aimless, with no idea of how to progress. Those who bought into the concept though found a completely unique experience, and the closest feel to really being a fantasy adventurer than any other game out there.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)