10 Highest-Rated Video Games Of The Decade - Ranked Worst To Best
10. Batman: Arkham City

Metacritic: 96
Most hand to hand combat this past decade has followed the tried and tested Batman: Arkham formula, so it stands to reason the original itself lands in the top ten. Technically, 2008’s Batman: Arkham Asylum was the true first to have the Batman formula, but City definitely perfected it and made gadget integration easier.
The sequel, Batman: Arkham Knight, unfortunately neglected too much hand to hand innovation in favour of implementing the Batmobile. Previously, it was one of the most requested features, but be careful what you wish for.
Back with City though, the caped crusader turned in one of his best performances in any medium, with the highlight being some spectacular boss battles. Mister Freeze especially, learning from your approach and never getting caught the same way twice, truly makes you feel like the World’s Greatest Detective.
The story, where the Joker simultaneously dies and wins, is brilliantly bittersweet and well balanced throughout, ending up as Metacritic’s 32nd best game of all time. It offers up some classic Batman villains, some more cult baddies, and makes the most of all the characters it uses in a fantastically original tale.