10 Highest-Rated Video Games Of The Decade - Ranked Worst To Best

9. Super Mario Galaxy 2

super mario galaxy 2

Metacritic: 97

Hands up, who honestly saw this coming? Not only does Super Mario Galaxy make the cut ahead of the likes of God Of War, Overwatch, The Witcher III and Marvel's Spider-Man, it's actually Metacritic's number one, in 7th on the all time list.

The game introduced dynamic environments to the Galaxy franchise, and quite clearly lay the groundwork for Super Mario Odyssey. The addition of Yoshi and some extra power ups made for a much more rounded experience too.

Being on the Wii perhaps hurts its credibility slightly, as it’s typically the motion control titles like Wii Sports and Mario Kart associated with the console. The two Galaxy games prove though, along with Zelda’s Twilight Princess, that the Wii was a perfectly competent console in its own right.

It falls a few places from Metacritic's placing as it just hasn't had the huge cultural impact of the others here, but make no mistake, it's a brilliant game.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)