10 Hilarious Game Overs You WANT To See

8. Eating A Fish - Neir: Automata

Dont shit yourself
Platinum Games

Nier: Automata is a truly wonderful video game. As an action spectacle it's a masterpiece, and in its affecting, disjointed, and surprisingly deep narrative it's fascinating. You'll come to love each of the main cast and piecing together what's going on makes for some really rewarding moments.

Plus I absolutely adore how the game doesn't take itself too seriously. From it's admonishing of the player for trying to look up 2B's skirt, to how the different robots will sing, dance and hoot their way across humorous scene after humorous scene. And of course, when it comes to deaths, there's some giggles to be had.

The title has tonnes of different endings, some of which can be seen through dumb player decisions, such as taking out your core programming, initiating a self destruct mode, or my personal favourite, eating a fish.

The game does warn you that, as an android, you have no reason to eat and your internals cannot process the food at all, but away we go, killing ourselves with kippers. Maybe this is the reason why robots will take over the world.

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