10. Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past The Forever-Recurring Death Boomerang

Your average Australian will know that a boomerang is not something to be messed with, something we Brits only figured out when one killed a bloke on Sherlock. However, the Legend of Zelda series has been doing its bit for boomerang awareness (apparently, theyll kill you and waltz off with your women-folk) for quite a while, letting Link use it as a ranged weapon. Yet come A Link To The Past, savvy players realised they could screw with the boomerang. Basically, if you run away at pace from it, the boomerang will decide to go maverick and patrol the area around you like a wooden death machine. It will just keep flying back to you from various places but never actually reach you, orbiting you like a dainty-green sun. The weird thing is that though the weapon has obviously glitched, it can still connect with enemies. Therefore, youve just accidentally turned yourself into something resembling an androgynous (come now, you know it to be true) god, guarded by an inanimate object that cuts up neer-do-wells with aplomb. Predictably, the results can be almost wonderfully insane.