10 Hilarious Magic The Gathering Cards (That Weren't Unglued!)

8. Goblin Offensive

Goblin Grenade

They certainly are.

Goblins are a mainstay as far as comedy goes in Magic: The Gathering. They can be anything from hairy, nearly monkey-like creatures to your traditional green skinned little mischievous beings scene in all kinds of different properties.

This time the art isn't where the humor lies. In three simple words of flavour text, the extra text at the bottom that can help tell the story of a card, Wizards' development team ensured this card would keep the laughs coming for years to come. A joke doesn't always need a lengthy setup, sometimes a quick hitter can bring the laughs better than anything else. Here we get to the core of describing goblin-kind very quickly.

Goblin Offensive? They certainly are.


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