10 Hilarious Magic The Gathering Cards (That Weren't Unglued!)

4. Goblin Grenade

Goblin Grenade
Kev Walker

Don't underestimate the aerodynamic qualities of the common goblin

The 2012 printing of Goblin Grenade hits all the right buttons. The unfortunate little gobo in Kev Walker's art has had his mouth stuffed with several sticks of dynamite, they've been lit and he has been sent sailing towards, presumably, an enemy.

From the frightened look in its eyes to its sad little paper shoes, you can tell this goblin's life wasn't very good and it's about to get much worse. The art isn't the only thing that's going to make you chuckle. If you prefer your comedy a little less visual and a little wittier perhaps you'd prefer the flavour text.


David Windjack hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.