10 Hilarious Magic The Gathering Cards (That Weren't Unglued!)

5. Miscalculation

Goblin Grenade

In the case of Miscalculation, all it takes is a quick look at the art by Jeff Laubenstein to realize that something's gone wrong.

While continuing his master's and creator's work at the Tolarian Academy Karn is conducting some kind of experiment that hasn't gone quite right. Even though the silver golem can travel through time he isn't immune to some miscalculations in the lab. Some unfortunate students have been caught near the apparent blast and have an appropriately surprised look blasted onto their faces.

It's said that a picture's worth a thousand words, the words that this one is worth never fail to bring the giggles.


David Windjack hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.