10 Hilarious Ways Video Games Punished You For Being A Dick

1. Rose Breaks Up With You - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

When it comes to video game easter eggs, it doesn't get much better than Metal Gear Solid 2. From ninja unlocks to hidden codecs, MGS 2 has enough hidden content to keep players coming back time and time again.

Very early in the game you€™ll notice that your character has a tendency to slip and fall if you run into bird droppings on the ground. It€™s farcical and silly, but players can go to extreme measures to get payback on those birds who made you look like a fool.

Well, any time you see a bird in the game, they can be shot down. Whether they€™re just perched on a railing or flying overhead, there€™s nothing stopping you from equipping the biggest grenade launcher you have and shooting the flying menaces out the sky for sweet, sweet revenge.

But be careful how many you kill, as dedicating too much time out to indulge in your hateful anti-bird fantasy will not sit well with your commander - or even your girlfriend. Shoot down too many helpless birds and you€™ll have everyone calling you up on your codec telling you how much of an awful human being you are. Keep doing it and your girlfriend Rose will go as far as to break up with you, with you not being able to save your game until you say sorry.

Are there any other cases of games punishing you for being a dick we left out? Let us know in the comments, and join the Facebook for more!


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3