10 Hilarious Ways Video Games Punished You For Being A Dick

2. Loading Screens Act As Your Therapist - Spec Ops: The Line

An incredibly underrated gem from 2012, Spec Ops: The Line starts off like any other shooter but soon turns into one of the most memorable games in recent memory when a late twist reveals that you were the title's villain the entire time.

As you delve further and further into the main campaign you start realising that something isn't quite right, and even though it's the entire point of the game, towards the end when everything devolves into balls-to-the-wall insanity even the loading screens start calling you out on your questionable behaviour.

Dropping all of the €œpress X to reload€ nonsense that usually riddles every gaming loading screen in existence, Spec Ops uses this time to drive the game€™s themes home even more.

As you and your character start acting out worse and worse sadism, being incredibly brutal to people who don€™t deserve it, the loading screens will begin ridiculing you for your actions. Instead of the regular tips, messages like €œDo you feel like a hero yet?€ and €œThis is all your fault€ chastise you for indulging in such chaos.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3