10 Hilarious Ways Video Games Punished You For Being A Dick

3. Receiving A Thank You Letter From The Evil Glukkons - Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey

oddworld oddysee

The entire point of the PSX classic Abe€™s Odyssey is that you're supposed to spend the game saving all of your fellow Mudokons before they're unwittingly turned into the New 'n' Tasty secret sauce, Soylent Green style.

You don€™t have to though, and you can actually finish the game without rescuing a single soul - although you'll get a bad ending. Go one step further and get them all killed intentionally (a pretty difficult task), and you€™ll also unlock a secret message from the villains of the game, the Glukkons.

As it turns out, leading your fellow workers to their deaths is even a little bit too evil for the Glukkons, who are both proud and disgusted by what you've achieved.

Once the last Mudokon meets his demise you€™ll be treated to this message: €œWhacking all those Mudokons was no accident. You twisted creep. Mullock commends you. Enjoy your bonus€ infinite grenades!€

Er, thanks?

So while being treated to infinite grenades might not seem like a punishment at first €“ could you really live with yourself knowing even the game€™s villains think you€™re a weirdo?


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3