10 Hilarious Witcher 3 Quests You Totally Missed

3. Paperchase

Witcher 3
CD Projekt RED

The bulk of The Witcher 3's humorous quests send players headfirst into bizarre situations to enjoy some fun in between the more serious plot beats. Paperchase, however, is different. This time the joke is on the player.

Part of the Blood And Wine DLC, players can find this quest by talking to a vineyard owner near Trentin's Workshop. It turns out that he owes Geralt payment from years ago and decided to place the coin in a saving account at the bank, which would have gained a healthy amount of interest by now.

All Geralt needs to do, he's told, is walk into the bank and withdraw the funds; but bureaucracy is rarely that simple.

A clerical error means that the witcher is forced to chase down various forms in what becomes a perpetual cycle of dead-ends and unhelpful tellers.

Instead of hunting monsters, players will spend their time hunting documents - and it's as tedious as you'd expect. In this quest, the action-packed gameplay players are used to is replaced by exciting moments including watching a cat wash itself, get into an argument about cutting in line, and charming a clerk into speeding things along.

This is why witchers don't use banks.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.