10 Hilariously One Sided Video Game Boss Battles

4. Hookbill The Koopa - Yoshi's Island

Mysterio Spider-Man

Now to be perfectly clear, the Yoshi's Island games aren't exactly known for their tough boss battles, favouring instead to be relaxing and utterly charming platformers which still represent some of the best the genre has to offer.

That being said there are easy bosses, and then there are one-sided boss battles, and Hookbill The Koopa is most definitely the latter. For a start, this shell-end's only got one thing going for it, and that's that he's... really big? I don't even know if this even counts as in reality it just makes him a larger target. Poor old Bill stomps very slowly from one side of the stage to the other and basically begs you to hurl eggs at him in order to flip him onto his back and then stomp him into oblivion.

And the best part? If you don't have any eggs on you, just jump on his head repeatedly and he'll cough them up for you! Probably quite fitting that he's eaten this many eggs for breakfast when you can scramble him so quickly.

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