10 Honest Truths Xbox One Owners Realise After Buying A PS4

3. PlayStation VR, While Great, Feels Too Far Out Of Reach

PlayStation VR Price

PlayStation has a leg up on Xbox when it comes to VR, pretty much because Xbox doesn't have the technology yet. Yeah, there's the awful, awful, can't-say-awful-enough Kinect, but that's far from VR. It's also far from being enjoyable, so in the long run, PlayStation wins by simply not having a Kinect.

PlayStation VR is still very much in its infancy, which makes the problems it's facing understandable and hard to avoid.

First is the price, and while no one should ever expect VR to be cheap, it's still hard to commit to something that's going to hit your pocket as hard as this. To start you'll need the PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation camera, two PlayStation Move controllers and whatever games you'd like to play - all of which are sold separately. This will hit you for about $600 minimum, on top of the price you paid for your PS4, bringing you to around almost $1000 to 'experience VR'.

For majority of gamers, this is just not going to happen, at least not now, and not at this price. Even if it's better than any immersive experience the Xbox can throw at you, there's nothing that really warrants dropping the cash at this point in time.

Yes, 'becoming the Batman' in Arkham VR is awesome, and Until Dawn's VR shooting gallery is a load of fun, but until there's something to write home about, PlayStation VR will not be sitting in your living room anytime soon.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.