10 Hopeless Video Game Protagonists
1. Abe (Oddworld Series)
Abe is a friendly Mudokon, a simple species that communicate in short sentences, farts and resultant giggles. When players meet him, he's happily humming along as he scrubs the floor of a food-processing factory, Rupture Farms. Like the majority of his kind, he works here for free and lives in blissful ignorance as his mind wanders no further than the walls around him.
That's until he stumbles into a meeting being held by the company's CEO and discovers their plan to turn Abe's people into a new snack as a result of declining sales (due to them having run the other food-bearing species' into near-extinction). Horrified by this, Abe finds himself on a quest to rally his fellow slaves and free them from doom.
Throughout the course of his adventure, Abe slips, trips and falls flat on his face, exploding, getting crushed and being torn apart by all manner of creature and machinery. Even outside of the factory, Mudokons are at the bottom of the food chain. Just barely limping over the finish line, he manages to rescue his species from genocide and bring down Rupture Farms while he's at it.
Abe wasn't built to be a hero but, when one was needed, he answered the call.