10 Horrific 2013 Gaming Glitches That Will Haunt Your Dreams

9. Creepy Old Dudes - The Sims 3: University Life

The latest addition to the Sims was far from free of glitches and bugs, with little details breaking throughout the game (after all, it is to be expected when you have a game that requires so much attention to the finer details) but by far the most horrifying is the one that for some reason turned cane-wielding older sims into tiny theatrical creeps. If players had previously shelled out for the Generations expansion, University Life added an odd bug that transformed Elders in-game to look like the odd twisted creature above: tiny and extremely camp, and apparently with the ability to make bystanders cry. And little wonder. It's impossible not to feel a little bit like those midget elders have wandered out of a far more sinister game like Silent Hill.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.